WOLF FEST 2016...adding ANOTHER amazing artist to the list!

September 6, 2016

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If you were listening in with Nick and Kristen this morning..you already know that we have now added UNCLE KRACKER to our amazing line up for Wolf Fest 2016!!  Uncle Kracker joins Trent Harmon, Canaan Smith, Drake White, James Wesley, Mark Mackay and Fairlines on October 2, 2016 at Orangevale Community Park!  Tickets are available at 1019thewolf.com  Make sure you get those tickets while they last..and don’t forget your friends and family!


All the details are @ 1019thewolf.com and tickets are available to purchase there too. And..of course, tune in all day on 1019 The Wolf to get updates and details all week long!

wolffest-2016 super generic date onlyCant wait to see you all there..

@ WOLF FEST 2016!